Ten on Tuesday
Today's Ten on Tuesday is ten Easter or Passover traditions. Since I was raised in a secular Jewish household, I have a few of each.
Ten Easter and Passover Traditions
- Egg dyeing and decorating. We used to blow eggs and paint the shells when I was a kid; when Miss B was younger she liked to dye hard-boiled eggs.
- Easter egg hunt. As kids we hunted jelly eggs; our kids liked the plastic ones with goodies inside. (You can get quite a few jelly eggs into one of those.)
- Chocolate bunnies. I wish they made them in dark chocolate.
- Which brings me to: Easter jokes. I'll refrain from telling you the one about the meaning of Easter for the zillionth time, but this is my all-time favorite Easter cartoon:
- Matzoh-ball soup. (Are you noticing that there's a lot of food in this list? Yeah, me too. I must be on a diet or something.) I'm not actually all that fond of matzoh balls, although people who are tell me I just haven't had the right ones yet. But I do remember the soup. If I could avoid the matzoh balls it was pretty good.
- Easter baskets. We used to make them just the way Carole said: fake green grass, lots of goodies.
- Which brings me to Cadbury creme eggs. They are disgusting. I love them.
- Peeps. Grant and Miss B love them. I admit they're cute, in a sickly marshmallow food-coloring sort of way. I want no part of them.
- Seders. I haven't been to one in quite a while, but I do enjoy them, and I like all the traditions.
- Singing the Hallelujah Chorus in church choir. I love to sing, even though I don't do it very well; luckily the Hallelujah Chorus is hard to mess up, and also a lot of fun. (I haven't been to church in a very long time, if you don't count weddings and funerals. Apart from singing, I don't miss it much.)
I'm completely with Carole on her #10: Easter means spring is almost here. Hard to believe in the midst of yet another deluge, but true. Happy Easter, happy Passover, happy spring!