How did I manage to have a great time at the Maine Fiber Frolic and not tell you about it? I haven't been blogging all that much lately, (mostly) by choice, but clearly I am slipping. Probably I am the last to know. Anyhow, I did have a great time at Fiber Frolic, and I didn't even buy any yarn. Really. It wasn't easy, either. I spent most of the day with the Three Evil Enablers.
There they are, a covey of
Enabilatrix malefica in the wild. We spent quite a bit of time in just one booth...
admiring the wares of
Nanney Kennedy, creator of Seacolors Yarn. She hand-dyes them in seawater, and she gets gorgeous, subtle blends of color. Only because I had just been through all my yarn again was I able to refrain from simply buying all of her stock and bringing it home with me. Lisa and Ginny, their resistance weakened by repeated contact, did succumb. I know I will run into Nanney again, and I know I won't be able to hold out forever.
I had planned to spend both days of Fiber Frolic weekend Frolicking, but having seen pretty much everything on Saturday, and knowing that with me resistance is, if not futile, at least not to be pushed too far, on Sunday I just hung out with my folks; it was a beautiful day (hard to remember now that early June before the monsoon hit was quite splendid), and we strolled down to the water. There was a biggish bird with several babies swimming around, and although I know enablers when I see them, with birds I have a tougher time.
Does any intrepid ornithologist out there know what this is?
Finally, it was time to leave. I had noticed on the way up that the roadsides were bordered by pink flowers I'd never seen before.
Is this the spiky invasive thing you were talking about,