Rhymes With Fuchsia

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tramps Like Us

If you read either of my Fiber Frolic posts, you may have been asking yourself, so, what did she buy? Surely she couldn't have walked past that wall-o-fiber repeatedly without getting seduced.

Honey? Um, could you check Taz's diaper for me, please?

Is he gone? OK.

Amy's BFL, colorway Embers. I don't think Amy had this colorway the last time I saw her; and she didn't have any by Sunday afternoon, either. No, it wasn't just me.

Amy's merino, colorway Blue Moon. I thought I liked it when I saw it online, but now I'm in love with it. (Yes, so a couple of weeks ago I was in love with green yarn. I never said I was monofibrous.)

Recalling that I did have a fairly significant fiber stash already, some of you (honey, please go reorganize your CD collection) may be wondering what possessed me, aside from Amy's magic. Well, you see, I needed it.

Meet Wendy.

She was sitting in the used-equipment shed when we got there Saturday, and I wasn't about to let her get away. Speed proved essential: several interested-looking people hovered around Miss B as she tried Wendy out while I produced my checkbook. When I wandered by some 20 minutes later, the two Kromskis that had been next to her were also off to the side awaiting collection by their new owners.

Wendy is a custom cherry Watson, double drive, single treadle. Had I ordered her for myself I probably would have gone with double treadle, but she's very easy to work with, and she's the quiet type — on Saturday evening I was checking my email at my folks' dining-room table, and she was not ten feet away in the living room, where Miss B was putting her through her paces, but I didn't know that until I walked into the room.

Wendy is also a lefty, which again I wouldn't have specified myself, but it doesn't slow me down at all and just adds to her charm.

Baby, we were born to spin.


  • Let me be the first to say, use her well -- she's a gorgeous wheel!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:09 PM  

  • Beautiful! So with a lefty wheel, do you switch which hand drafts? Or just sit a bit differently? Did you get her in the house without notice????

    By Blogger knitnzu, at 6:42 AM  

  • How fantastic!

    By Blogger Carole Knits, at 7:08 AM  

  • Oooooo, pretty! So is a Watson wheel as good as a Norm Hall? They sure are tempting eye candy.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:28 AM  

  • Blue Moon is LOVELY! But Wendy is fabulous. Good work!

    By Blogger margene, at 8:10 AM  

  • Wendy has made it to happily ever after land. And oooo, I love that Blue Moon!

    So willl Miss B begin her own stash now?

    ("Never said I as monofiberous." Snort!!)

    By Blogger roxie, at 9:38 AM  

  • I think I need a playdate with Wendy this summer. And, umm, it would be nice to see you too :)

    By Blogger Danielle, at 10:14 AM  

  • That is a beautiful wheel! And I'm VERY fond of cherry wood. Wendy's a beauty.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:16 AM  

  • Ooooh! She's beautiful! Congrats on the new wheel addition.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:51 PM  

  • Are you kidding me!? That is an INCREDIBLE wheel! What a find!

    By Blogger Cheryl, at 5:03 PM  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:46 AM  

  • I thought your fiber was beautiful, and THEN I got to the wheel. WOW. That is some find. That is incredible!! You lucky girl. Nice catch.

    By Blogger Laurie, at 5:50 AM  

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