Ten on Tuesday
Today's official Ten on Tuesday is "ten things that annoy you about work." I thought this one would be easy, but, oddly, it's not. So, as a professional editor, I get to change anything I want...
Ten Things I Like About Work
Ten Things I Like About Work
- My boss. No, really. He keeps his cool nearly all the time (even when release dates get pushed back again and again, which is definitely on my "most annoying" list) and never sweats the small stuff. He also takes amazing pictures.
- My fellow writers. They're nice, they're funny, and I couldn't ask for a better group of people to rub elbows with every day.
- The office park where we work. It's very nicely landscaped, with plenty of photo ops for Friday flowers.
- Working next to a shopping mall. Usually this doesn't matter — deadlines we have with us always, so there's no time to browse — but if I forget my lunch or have to run to CVS it comes in handy.
- Driving to and from work with Grant (usually). We started doing it as a way to emit a few fewer carbons; the unexpected benefit is at least an hour of one-on-one adult time. He always drives, so sometimes I get to knit if I read several interesting bits in the paper aloud first.
- Having a laptop and being able to work from home if I need to. (Company policy says you have to be on site during business hours, but it doesn't say you can't log on from home at 11 pm if you need to exchange emails with someone in the Singapore office without waiting a day for each response.)
- Being appreciated by people whose first language is not English. Conan hat (or rather horned helmet) firmly in place, I tell them that if they can remember that no possessive pronoun ever contains an apostrophe, they will be ahead of many native speakers, and they actually thank me.
- The dress code. There isn't one. Well, there sort of is, but jeans are most definitely permitted.
- Occasional free food left over from client training.
- Last but by no means least, getting paid, of course.
I like where I work, what I do, and who I do it with too! (love the image of the forked helmet)
knitnzu, at 6:38 AM
That's a great job. It's good to look at the good things in life.
margene, at 7:27 AM
We commute together too, and many days it's my only knitting time.
Danielle, at 12:01 PM
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