Sock Power
No doubt you've heard by now about the, ahem, technical difficulties that Blue Moon Fiber Arts, of Socks That Rock fame, has been experiencing lately. If you haven't, I couldn't possibly do the story the justice it has already gotten from Stephanie and Cara, so I'll wait here while you go read all about it.
Done? OK. I was not alone in my initial reaction of please tell me who these expensively suited male boneheads are so that I may immediately inform them of their utter boneheaditude and, should it turn out that I do business with them, forthwith sever any such relationship. I was rightly and forcibly reminded, however, that a vengeful spirit emits altogether the wrong energy, that while we knitters possess more awesome power than we know, we must always use it for good. And, admiring Margene's resolve to demonstrate the Power of Socks by knitting them in public, I decided to take things one step further.
Therefore a contest. To enter, 1) post on your blog a picture of yourself knitting sock(s) in public (this must be a new post with, preferably, a new picture, but at least one not previously posted on your blog) 2) leave a comment on this post informing me that you have done so. If you don't have a blog, you may either post the picture elsewhere online or send it to me at rhymeswithfuchsia AT comcast DOT net, and I will post it here, or not, as you wish. In either case, pleeease forget not the comment so that I can keep track of everyone in one place. One lucky winner drawn at random will receive sock yarn to be named later, and for every entry (one per person, please), I will donate $1.00 USD to MSF. The contest will remain open until the end of the month.
NOTE: Your photo must make it obvious that the place where you are knitting is indeed public and visible to unsuspecting Muggles. (Edited to add: Ruth is quite correct that knitting in a yarn or craft store doesn't startle the multitude and that these venues therefore won't count as public.) Aside from that, I make no restrictions, but, while I realize that you are all highly technosavvy and capable of conducting all kinds of business without ever leaving your computer chair, let me just mention how fun and educational it would be if bankers all across this great land suddenly noticed an increase in customers knitting socks while waiting in line.
Done? OK. I was not alone in my initial reaction of please tell me who these expensively suited male boneheads are so that I may immediately inform them of their utter boneheaditude and, should it turn out that I do business with them, forthwith sever any such relationship. I was rightly and forcibly reminded, however, that a vengeful spirit emits altogether the wrong energy, that while we knitters possess more awesome power than we know, we must always use it for good. And, admiring Margene's resolve to demonstrate the Power of Socks by knitting them in public, I decided to take things one step further.
Therefore a contest. To enter, 1) post on your blog a picture of yourself knitting sock(s) in public (this must be a new post with, preferably, a new picture, but at least one not previously posted on your blog) 2) leave a comment on this post informing me that you have done so. If you don't have a blog, you may either post the picture elsewhere online or send it to me at rhymeswithfuchsia AT comcast DOT net, and I will post it here, or not, as you wish. In either case, pleeease forget not the comment so that I can keep track of everyone in one place. One lucky winner drawn at random will receive sock yarn to be named later, and for every entry (one per person, please), I will donate $1.00 USD to MSF. The contest will remain open until the end of the month.
NOTE: Your photo must make it obvious that the place where you are knitting is indeed public and visible to unsuspecting Muggles. (Edited to add: Ruth is quite correct that knitting in a yarn or craft store doesn't startle the multitude and that these venues therefore won't count as public.) Aside from that, I make no restrictions, but, while I realize that you are all highly technosavvy and capable of conducting all kinds of business without ever leaving your computer chair, let me just mention how fun and educational it would be if bankers all across this great land suddenly noticed an increase in customers knitting socks while waiting in line.
Can I show you one I already posted?
Scoutj, at 2:26 PM
No KIP for me for fear of getting my arse kicked. (It CAN happen again.)
I almost ran into the same trouble with my bank. The woman from my bank actually called me on the phone to inquire about the number of transactions going through when I first opened the Cabin Cove Mercantile. I told her to get online while I was on the phone with her to PROVE that a guy CAN sell colored yarn to people. Things have been fine ever since.
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
This sounds like fun! I can get proof of KSIP!
Carol, at 2:48 PM
Oh Gee. I knit in public all the time. Now I have to just take a photo. For you, though? ANYthing.
Carole Knits, at 6:13 PM
I actually knit at the bank all the time...and *my* bank is *nice*.
Seriously, though, given this morning's cover story in the NYT, it's entirely possible that some FBI schmoe thought s/he'd unearthed a ring of terrorist knitters.
Liz, at 9:02 PM
Great idea! Now, to choose a locale .... (I am assuming that knitting shops don't count).
Ruth, at 9:29 PM
hmmm do you think I can have my bank teller snap my picture when I go in to deposit my paycheck tomorrow? Just a thought...
Tactless Wonder, at 1:56 AM
i don't blame the bank for being suspicious. what i do blame them for is not inquiring further. do you need a picture of my face? or would a picture of my hands knitting on the train or something (do the trick)?
maryse, at 6:46 AM
I was wondering how the bank in question would feel if we all sent them that odd sock that we never made a mate too, think they would think different of sock yarn then??? lol
sweet, at 6:54 AM
I work for a bank, and have been on both the branch end as a teller and the customer service end as a call center rep. (I'm actually on line there right now.) The communications that come through to us daily are all about looking for suspicious activity and I'm sure that to a non-knitter, that looked like suspicious activity. But I must agree that a little research online would have cleared things right up, and saved them from making a costly mistake. Now they have lost the business of a successful company and it's only by the good grace of those ladies that they aren't undergoing an all out boycot! Don't. Mess. With. Sock yarn.
Cambria, at 8:30 AM
What fun- I knit on a sock at the friday night varsity basketball game. My son is in the Pep band. I do not think he was thrilled to have me kntting, but has become used to it. No photo proof, so will take one elsewhere and send it on. I am blogless
Anonymous, at 9:35 AM
Will multiple pictures increasee my chances of winning? Does it have to be a different sock each time? A different location each time? I'm on it!!
roxie, at 9:44 AM
Hey I just found you from Chris at stumbling over Chaos. I am not currently knitting a sock, but will have to start one. Sadly there are so few people around here that we rarely wait in line at a bank...but I'm thinking the big one downtown has a lobby...hmmm.
Anonymous, at 9:59 AM
Hahahah - what a great way to turn that negative into a positive. I'll be taking the socks with me to the bank soon. Just have to hope one of the tellers will indulge me by taking my photo.
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM
OOOOH I am taking my camera to SNB tommorrow night!! woo hoo!
ye ha!
I'm in!
Sorka, at 1:50 PM
Well now I wish I had my camera with me the other night - I knit on my sock while standing waiting for a table at Applebee's. Yes, I was stared at by almost everyone in the (very busy) restaurant ;o)
Anonymous, at 5:05 PM
This is a brilliant idea on SO many levels! I love that it helps MSF. I love that it frightens the muggles. I love that there is yarn to be won. ;-)
I have to think, now, about how to enter this thing stylishly. Hmm.
Anonymous, at 12:55 PM
I'm knitting a sock in public! Wanna see?
Annie, at 5:51 PM
Does crocheting socks in public count? My entry:
noricum, at 10:47 AM
Here ya go:
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM
Great idea. Already sent you the photo as I'm blogless.
Anonymous, at 6:16 PM
Great idea. Already sent you the photo as I'm blogless.
Anonymous, at 6:16 PM
Alrighty! My picture is up! at enjoy! I am of course knitting my socks in an unconventional way.. loom knitting them.. in an unconventional place.. a restaurant! AHH.. do I get double points??
Sorka, at 6:45 PM
Hi Lucia! I found you from Chris's site. I went out this morning and knit on a sock at the and etc on my blog. What a great idea. I hope the word gets out to all of the banks!
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM
OK, got my sock knitting pic at Karate today!
See me
the post for 1/17
It was fun! While I knit there all the time (waiting for DS) this is the first time I asked anyone to take my pic. Now I'm noticing the looks....
RC, at 8:18 PM
OK, my post is waiting to publish at 7 PM PST at . Takes a lot to get me pose for a photo, but for socks or yarn, what can I say?
Birdsong, at 3:58 PM
My picture is set to publish at 7 PM tonight at - what a fun idea. My bank would think it was a hoot if everyone in our small town started knitting in line.
Birdsong, at 5:06 PM
Posted here:
This is fun!
FemiKnitMafia, at 10:56 PM
Lucia, here is my contribution to the cause.
Anonymous, at 7:29 PM
I posted two yesterday. Wheee!
roxie, at 11:23 AM
I posted another on the 21st.
roxie, at 10:06 AM
For the record!
Beth S., at 10:05 PM
Mine is here :)
Unknown, at 3:57 PM
I did eet! My photo's at the bottom of this post!
Alyson, at 8:30 PM
Hi :o) I finally got a picture for you!
Anonymous, at 12:40 AM
Hi there from Kansas. I'm the one in the bank. The scarf and leggins could be called "More fun with Noro," since they were both an excuse to use Kureyon. Thanks for the great post!
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM
I did it!
Carole Knits, at 3:45 PM
Sock knitting at a Japanese steakhouse - Trekking XXL in Thuja to be exact!
Elizabeth, at 10:15 PM
Posting it now! :)
Jena, at 12:15 AM
It took over an hour to fix my stupid FTP server, but the pictures are finally up and are no longer red Xs!
Jena, at 1:10 AM
I know the contest is over, but I wanted to post my pic just the same. Hooray for all the public knitting!
Anonymous, at 12:20 AM
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