Rhymes With Fuchsia

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Pie in the Sky

My uncle and aunt live in an apple orchard in southern New Hampshire, and that's where we went apple-picking today. We all enjoyed ourselves, none more than Taz, who surprised us by biting into the first apple he picked. Normally a finicky and erratic eater (he gets tube feedings because he doesn't eat enough by mouth), lately he's been on a tear, chowing down on pizza, cheeseburger and cookies, and now apples. Well, part of one apple, anyway. Go, Taz!

More pictures here.


  • Neat photos - love the title ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:40 PM  

  • What an evocative photo!

    I love it, apples against the blue and cloudy sky. Great title to go with it, too.

    Go, Taz! I love Jonathan apples, myself.

    By Blogger Alwen, at 8:56 AM  

  • Miss B is such a photographer's dream! Apple-cheeked damsel that she is. . .

    By Blogger roxie, at 3:11 PM  

  • oh, how fun! somehow fall just isn't the same without the trip to the apple orchard to run around and buy more apples than we could eat - and some cider of course :)

    By Blogger the boogeyman's wife, at 3:38 AM  

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