Ten on Tuesday
Ten Things on My Night Table
Some things, the normal things, live on my night table; others roost there while awaiting some resolution or seeking a permanent home. I've made great strides on getting organized, but my nightstand's entropy is especially strong.
- alarm clock
- lamp
- single glove, mate's whereabouts unknown
- half chocolate bar I just discovered and don't remember seeing before
- water glass
- yarn
- $1 coin
- comb
- felted mittens awaiting decoration
- five floppy discs of uncertain origin
This is only a partial list, of course. Some things are just not meant to be known.
This I believe. Except for the undiscovered chocolate bar maybe.
roxie, at 9:43 AM
Floppy discs, how quaint ;-)
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
no shovel? hehehehehe
Lisa/knitnzu, at 4:21 PM
Prosaic collection. Horizontal filer.
Laurie, at 6:52 AM
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