Blue Ambition
Wendy turns out to be an excellent traveler: I separated her drive wheel from her frame for the trip, then reassembled her without the least difficulty. The atmosphere up here has been highly conducive to spinning, and I have a mere seven little balls of blue roving left, similar to the one you see trailing in the breeze above. I believe I can actually finish spinning and plying the blue laceweight here. I even brought a little incentive with me, which I'll show you next time. (Read: I forgot to take a picture.)
Even on vacation, it's good to have a goal. Or seven small, soft, lovely blue ones.
What a beautiful place to spin!
Cookie, at 5:41 PM
Looks like a picture of heaven: sunshine, blue water, a breeze, a view, and a spinning wheel with roving fluttering invitingly. All you need is your dearly beloved man hand-feeding you grapes (or fresh ripe, sun-warmed blackberries) and nirvanah is yours!
roxie, at 10:42 AM
Oh I love that photo! What a glorious spot to spin!
Lorette, at 12:04 PM
Very nice indeed!
Julie, at 5:12 PM
I'm so jealous! You've got my dream wheel in my dream locale! How wonderful it must be.
Dave Daniels, at 3:28 PM
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