Ten on Tuesday
Except for one thing: I want one. And I am too cheap to buy one. I refuse to buy an iPod, either, even after watching my daughter get lots of mileage from hers, and I am not about to get Tivo so that I can waste yet more time watching TV.
Hmm... there might be a theme here.
Ten Gadgets I Want But Am Too Cheap to Buy
- iPhone. Carole assures me that resistance is futile. I'm sure she's right. At least if I got an iPhone I wouldn't have to walk around with one of those earpiece thingies (I expect the arm attachment to be out any day now).
- iPod. Even though I could listen to Dire Straits 24/7 if I wanted to. (My husband and my daughter disagree on a lot of music, but they both abominate Dire Straits. Of course.)
- Tivo. See above.
- Wii. My SIL Ellen has one — actually she has quite a few nifty devices, her husband being a gadget freak. Watching my daughter play WiiFit games during our last visit I began to wonder if I might actually drop a few pounds if I had one of those things. No! I resist! We have a perfectly good exercise bike.
- Electric can opener. I really don't even want one, except that there's something mesmerizing about watching the little arm make its way around the can. Yes, I need to get out more.
- Direct TV. See Tivo.
- Call waiting on our land line. Since we all have cell phones, we could probably get rid of the land line and save some money, but I perversely cling to it like a security blanket, a connection to the good old days. And we have a phone with an actual cord, so we can make calls even if the power has been out for three days and all our cell phone batteries are dead, so there. (The fact that in the 15 years we've lived in our current house the power was once out for almost 24 hours has nothing to do with it.) I am still not having any of these newfangled contraptions. Besides, I hate being put on hold.
- Cuisinart. Well, actually we have a food processor; it's called an Oster Kitchen Center, it was a wedding present, and it's old and big and clunky but still perfectly serviceable. Kind of like me.
- Knitting machine. It would be a lot of fun to play with one of these, and once I got up to speed I could certainly make room for more yarn in a hurry, but, let's face it, my speed is one stitch at a time.
- Golding wheel. Or Norm Hall, or Lendrum Saxony, or... you get the idea. I have a wheel already. Several, actually. Quite nice ones. Not miracles of engineering, not stunning marriages of form and function, but still with a lot of good years left. Kind of like me.
You may notice that while some of these are relatively new on the scene, others have been around for a while. What can I say? I'm an equal-opportunity fuddy-duddy.