Rhymes With Fuchsia

Sunday, February 22, 2009

And the Winners Are...

Not blogging is getting to be way too much of a habit, but I don't seem to have much to say. I mean, I think of things, and I don't write them down, and next thing I know either I've forgotten them or they no longer seem interesting. But, hey! I was running a contest, wasn't I? So I can tell you about the mittens and the contest winners.

You've probably seen them on Ravelry or Facebook already, but if not, voila. They have thumbs now, and I wove in the ends, but I haven't gotten around to taking another picture. Miss B commandeered them pretty much as soon as I put the tapestry needle away. I may make another pair for myself with a couple of design tweaks. Does anyone want the pattern? If so I will write it up. (No, I didn't wing this one, except for the thumbs, but I have to write out all the stuff like how many stitches in the thumb gusset. I hope I remember.)

The winner for guessing the motif was Debbi, who got it immediately despite my feeble attempt at misdirection. Debbi will get a little surprise at SPA, I think, since we will both be there and something there is bound to scream her name at me.

The random number generator picked CCR as the other winner. I will find something nice for her as well.

Oh, and I got an award! More on that later.

And tomorrow I have to do a Serious, Reflective Post on My Life So Far and How I Got Here (As Best I Recall). Well, I don't have to, but it's one of those milestones, a large, round one, so I'll try to come up with something semi-respectable.

Monday, February 02, 2009

A Song for Knitters

There was a stretch a good while back where it seemed that all my blog comments were coming out as song parodies, ranging from a line or two up to whole stanzas. For this year's silent poetry reading I've expanded one of them to the whole song, and I present the result here for your delectation.

You must remember this,
It's yarn we can't resist,
No matter how we try:
The pull of wool will never die,
As time goes by.

And when two knitters meet
They'll check each other's feet
And handknit socks descry,
Wool socks will always keep us warm
As time goes by.

Shawls, hats and sweaters,
Never out of date,
Yarns of alpaca,
Yak, and wool are great,
Right glove needs left
And left must have its mate,
That no one can deny!

It's still the same old story,
We knit for love, not glory,
A case of spin and ply,
The world will always welcome knitters,
As time goes by.