Rhymes With Fuchsia

Friday, December 26, 2008

Back to (What Passes For) Normal

The house feels very quiet with only the four of us in it. I miss the family, yet relish the quiet. If only they lived a couple of houses down... but one cannot have everything.

Some random snippets and musings from our festivities:

There is an awful lot of meat on a 20-pound turkey. (That was the smallest they had when I got there.)


As a rule I disapprove of fancy labor-saving kitchen contraptions, but if anyone invents a pearl-onion peeler I'll buy it. Everyone (except me and Miss B) loves creamed onions, but no one wants to peel them.


Me (in the kitchen): This new wool underwear I just bought from LL Bean is amazingly warm.
Dad: Doesn't it itch?
Me: It's merino.
Dad: Who's he?
Grant (from the living room): Used to quarterback the Dolphins.


Have you ever played Catopoly? Monopoly, only instead of properties you buy cats. If you get a catopoly you can buy litterboxes, and when you have four litterboxes for each cat you can buy fish bones. Instead of free parking there is free catnip. It's quite amusing.


Speaking of cats, ours aren't too happy with lots of strange people in the house. (No remarks from the cheap seats, please: I of course mean strange in the sense of unfamiliar.) But it happens only a couple of times a year, and they just have to deal with it.


I boiled the hell out of the cranberries as Carole suggested, and I emerged victorious.


After over 30 years together I had no idea Grant hated cranberry sauce. I like it, but cranberries are the one thing on my forbidden-foods list that I stay religiously away from, lest I pay soon and dearly for my sins.


Everyone remained in good health for the holiday, except our desktop PC, which has some kind of nasty virus. I'm in the midst of the cleanup procedure, which involves a number of very time-consuming virus scans. It could be worse. (There was the year I got food poisoning, for example, while six months pregnant with Miss B.)


Instead of exchanging gifts in the traditional way everyone put two items into a Yankee swap. We ended up with most of the ones I picked out, which is OK because I picked out what I thought most people would like and could use (and I am called upon to knit myself a pair of socks, which is good because I can wait very patiently), but next year I will try to do better.


We fly out to Ohio Monday to spend New Year's with Grant's sister. A couple of days' downtime in between celebrations is an essential element of the two-party system.


Back to disinfecting...


  • Congratulations on surviving another one!

    (Merino - quarterback for the Dolphins. That man is GOOD!)

    By Blogger roxie, at 9:49 AM  

  • Re pearl onions - if you put them in a pot of water, bring it to a boil and simmer a minute or 2, it's *way* easier to pull the skins off ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:39 AM  

  • Sounds like a wonderful holiday, despite the displeasure of the feline members.

    At least computers don't sneeze and contaminate the rest of the family.

    By Blogger Laurie, at 1:33 PM  

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