Rhymes With Fuchsia

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I don't have time for a real post today, so instead I give you this friendly reminder: the Name That Square contest remains open until midnight EST tonight. Get out your stitch dictionaries and get those entries in! Remember, you could

win free s*x!!

Don't come after me, FTC: I mean that in a purely yarnal sense.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Win Free S*X!!!

According to an article I read once long ago, the three most eye-catching words in ad copy are, in alphabetical order, free, sex, and win. The article lamented that the only way to make a sentence out of them wouldn't be legal; but knitters being a resourceful bunch, as you know, I have found a way.

Last week I announced the Name That Square contest, wherein you could win yarn by identifying the Barbara Walker patterns I used for my Pine Street Inn squares. So far I have only one entry, which I attribute to a failure of marketing, namely 1) burying the contest announcement in a stream-of-consciousness post 2) not showing you what yarn you could win.

So here's the yarn:

That's two, count 'em, two! skeins of Bearfoot in the Sierra colorway.

And here are the rules again: some, but not all, of the patterns come from the first two Walker treasuries, the majority from the first one. I used simple patterns because I was under the gun and solid patterns for warmth, from which you should infer where in the books to concentrate your research (you can ignore the chapters on lace, for example). If you don't have the Walker books you can use any stitch dictionary you like; if I don't have it I'll try to find a copy to verify your guesses. Email your entry (one per person, please) to rhymes with fuchsia without the spaces at comcast dot net. I will extend the contest another week (with apologies to the lone entrant) to Tuesday, December 11.

And that, my friends, is how you can

win free s*x

— you can interpret that last word as stash enhancement or sox, as you wish.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Saturday Sky: Dear Santa

I would like a new camera, please. With lots and lots of zoom.

(Yes, that's an owl, but I know that only because I watched it fly away. What it was doing in our tree at 11:15 in the morning I will never know.)